Pictures from recent mission and outreach activities:

Sew Many Blessings
Sew Many Blessings will be working this fall to make baby layettes for Project Cure. The layettes donated last spring were sent to Ukraine. Don’t know how to sew you say. No problem, if you can use scissors, we can use you to cut out items to assemble.
We gather from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Our fall dates are: November 16 and December 21. Currently we meet in a member’s home once a month, but sew independently the rest of the month. For more information click to contact Barb Herbel Hendricks or call 303-770-5799.
United Women in Faith
United Women in Faith is the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members whose mission is fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders and advocating for justice.
For more information on Hope’s UWF click this link
Meals on Wheels
“Providing food, friends and fellowship to neighbors.” Meals on Wheels is a not-for-profit organization providing hot meals to the home bound, frail, elderly and disabled five days a week. Without the delivery of nutritious food, many persons would be unable to continue living in their own homes.
Hope members volunteer to deliver meals every Wednesday from the Littleton Meals on Wheels site and every Monday from the Aurora Meals on Wheels site near Heather Gardens. Hope also provides financial support to the organization. Volunteers are scheduled on a monthly basis, or as a substitute driver. If you are interested in helping with this easy and rewarding mission, contact Donna Ralston at [email protected].