Weekday Discipleship Opportunities
Wednesdays from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the Library or via Zoom
The Journey in Prayer women’s prayer group meets every Wednesday morning from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in the Library at Hope or via Zoom. This group comes together each week for prayer studies, to practice different styles of prayer, pray for others, and fellowship. We welcome you. For more information click to email True Morgan.
Thursdays 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. (Offsite)
At The Perfect Landing Restaurant at Centennial Airport
This group will begin meeting again in August 2022. This group engages in a wide variety of biblical, spiritual, historical, and contemporary religious study, discussion, and fellowship. This group is welcoming and open in their views. They share a common bond of seeking to enrich their individual spiritual journey through study and discernment of the scriptures and theological writings. All men who are interested are welcome to join. Please click to email Dan Graham or call 303-898-0881 for more information.
Sunday Morning Discipleship Opportunities
Meeting Place: Room L1-Downstairs or via Zoom
Please join the Bible Basics Class in room L1 from 8:50 to 9:50 a.m. on any Sunday to participate in our wonderful, thought–provoking, and educational discussions. After two Sundays off for the Christmas Holidays, we will be back on January 7. We will be studying “52 weeks with Jesus,” a very interesting book.
On February 25, we will be starting a five week study called “Hosanna, a Spiritual Journey through Holy Week”. If you would like to participate, you will need to order a book. If interested, please call me at the below number.
Each class is independent of the others, so you can just drop in and enjoy the discussion any week. All are welcome! Why don’t you leave home a bit earlier, attend the class, then attend the 10:00 am service? If interested, please contact Hal Wright at 303 662 9674.
Meeting Place: Room L3-Downstairs or via Zoom

Come Alive Spirituality Class
Sundays from 8:45-9:45 a.m. – Room L3 & Zoom
The Come Alive Spirituality Class offers an opportunity for lively conversations, sharing, learning and Christian Fellowship.
Please join us as we begin the fall season on Sunday, September 1, with a new book study, “Naked Spirituality – A Life With God in 12 Simple Words”, by renowned author, Brian McLaren. This book cuts through old, complex ideologies to unveil a simple love for God and our neighbors.
For information, contact: [email protected] or call 303.809.2961; or [email protected] or call 303.638.3889.
For more discipleship opportunities please refer to our weekly and quarterly newsletters at https://www.hopechangeslives.org/contact/newsletter/