AfterWORD: Online Conversations about Sunday’s Message
Every week will gather to go deeper in an informal discussion about previous Sundays’ scripture readings and messages. We will affirm. We will question. We will encourage. All to deepen our faith and become the persons God created us to be. To join, click on the registration link and complete the registration form. You will receive the Zoom link via email the first time you register and every week we meet as a reminder.
March 17, 24, and 31


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(Sign up for soup is requested, but not required)

Updates on General Conference
This is a new day for the United Methodist Church. On Friday, the first General Conference since Covid, and after disaffiliations, concluded with some dramatic and, for many of us, long-sought-after changes.
- The General Conference voted for regionalization. If ratified by the Annual and Central Conferences, every region—the US, Africa, Europe, and Asia—will have more autonomy to order and govern itself for ministry in its context.
- All restrictive and punitive language against our LGBTQ community has been removed from the Discipline. We now recognize that all persons are of sacred worth without qualification. Our aspirational slogan, “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors,” is one step closer to reality.
- We have a revised set of Social Principles that better reflect the world as it exists today and our faithful response to that world.
- The General Conference adopted a more streamlined budget, reduced by 40% from the 2016 budget, meaning more of our connectional investment will stay within our area.
Most of these passed with strong support from delegates worldwide, many with votes above 70% in the affirmative both in committee and plenary.
One note about actions related to our church. The petition submitted by a group from this church to change the United Methodist Church mission statement did not pass. But I hope a conversation has begun by the faithful work of those within this church.
These are some dramatic shifts in the life of our denomination. I am grateful for the work that was accomplished. I’m even more thankful for the spirit of unanimity and collegiality that appeared present in our worldwide gathering. We now move forward. I recognize that some present at GC or part of Hope Church may disagree with these decisions. I pray that all will still feel a place of belonging and purpose here. Hope needs you. Hope needs ALL of you.
If you have questions about the work of the General Conference this year, I hope you will come to talk to me. Pastor Laura (of Parker UMC) and I have created a one-page summary, and there is an in-depth 5-page summary created by United Methodist Communications you can download below:
We now move forward, and yet this remains constant: We are still a people of Hope, called to love and nurture one another into our best selves as we bless and serve our neighbors. This, too, has not changed: Pastor Haeil and I are honored to be your pastors, and we look forward to the journey ahead.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Jeff
Mission Petition Status as of August 26, 2024
At Annual Conference in Casper, WY in June 2024, Hope UMC presented a petition asking the conference to create a task force to reevaluate how well the current UMC Mission statement reflects the actual mission of the UMC. The petition specified that the Task Force would report to the 2025 Annual Conference with any rewrite that they choose and propose how the revised language might become a petition to General Conference. This petition passed easily and work continues.
Click here to review the Mission Petition